Mira BSA 4X32 WR para todo o tipo de carabinas, com retículo Mil-Dot a um preço imbatível. Aproveite já!
Mira telescópica BSA 4X32 WR com retículo Mil-Dot e montagens de 2 peças uncluidas.
Aumenta a imagem 4 vezes. Com abertura de 32mm
Fornecida em caixa com proteção de lentes incluída.
Diâmetro do Tubo | 1" / 25,4 mm |
Excellent basic scope
Can't expect more at this price range - the image is clear and the new finger adjustable turrets are solid, as is the whole scope - a good upgrade if you've got some cheap scope that came with your rifle ( like those Centerpoints with most Crosmans... ), and you don't need more than 4X32
Mildots are quite small and would probably be useful only when shooting from support..
..but that was one reason I picked this one, as they offer a basic rangefinding tool too when you learn "the meaning of the dots" as in compare the amount of dots needed to cover the known-sized subject that is at a known distance.. then you'll be able to 'measure' roughly how far some items are ( if you know what size they are.. ) :)
Razoavelmente boa
Só falha um pouco na definição dos pontos, de resto nada a apontar. Boa mira!
Muito boa mira telescópica,lentes claras e mantem bem o zero.qualidade preço espetacular,aconselho vivamente.
Recomendo esta mira
Excelente qualidade por um preço muito acessível, visualização clara e precisa.