Revolver Plomb ASG Dan Wesson 6" Silver



Pellet airgun with rifled inner barrel. Impressive and elegant.

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169,95 €


16 évaluation(s) - 8 avis
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4.50mm (.177)
4.50mm (.177)

En savoir plus

This powerful 6” Chrome revolver licensed by Dan Wesson draws attention and packs a big punch.

It is one of a new generation of Dan Wesson airguns with a rifled inner barrel allowing the use of pellets; this improves both range and precision.

It has authentic markings and an individual serial number stamped into the frame.

The revolver features a double action trigger system and adjustable rear sight for extra realism and accuracy.

The Dan Wesson revolver is made of metal except for the ergonomic grip constructed in hard ABS plastic.

The 12g CO2 cartridge is stored in the grip and is easily accessed by sliding the grip back – easy-load style.

Each of the 6 cartridges holds one 4.5mm pellet and is placed in the metal cylinder that rotates as each round is fired.

The revolver comes with speed-loader, attachable rail for optics and 6 heavy-duty all metal cartridges.
Please note:
All velocity and power measurements are maximum values, achieved under optimal test conditions.
The choice of pellet weight, brand and choice of CO2 cartridge brand as well as ambient temperature can cause great variation in muzzle velocity.


Fiche technique



Par (La Cisterniga, Spain) sur13 Oct. 2022 (Revolver Plomb ASG Dan Wesson 6" Silver) :

Excelente producto

Funcionamiento impecable, precisión increíble, estética y ergonomía optimas. Entrega rápida en España. Saludos y gracias

Par (Taunton Someret, United Kingdom) sur27 Avr. 2020 (Revolver Plomb ASG Dan Wesson 6" Silver) :
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Par (Ilhavo, Portugal) sur13 Mai 2019 (Revolver Plomb ASG Dan Wesson 6" Silver) :

Hollywood Revolver, 5***** Air Gun.

Este revólver usa chumbo tipo diabolo. Evitam-se as BB's e os ricochetes inerentes. A precisão é melhorada porque os chumbos diabolo têm uma estabilidade giroscópica superior às BB's. O cano longo também conta para isso, até porque ajuda na pontaria. Os pontos fracos são típicos dos revólveres: Só 6 munições e demora a fazer o recarregamento. Comprei um extra: 24 balas adicionais para chumbo. Espero que as pontas de plástico das balas não se desgastem depressa. Uma cápsula de 12g de CO2 dá para 50-60 tiros. Não encrava. O processamento da encomenda foi rapidíssimo. Os serviços da Mundilar Airguns é eficientissimo.

Par (., Portugal) sur29 Jan. 2018 (Revolver Plomb ASG Dan Wesson 6" Silver) :
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Par (Tucumã, Brasil) sur29 Aout 2017 (Revolver Plomb ASG Dan Wesson 6" Silver) :
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