Air Pistolet GAMO C-15 Blowback Pellets



CO2 powered air pistol is featuring the innovative Blowback feature.

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109,00 €


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4.50mm (.177)
4.50mm (.177)

En savoir plus

GAMO C-15 pellets Blowback CO2 powered air pistol is featuring the innovative Blowback feature. This new technique provides a realistic action and an authentic look and feel when shooting. This is achieved utilizing a small portion of air to move the slide backward when firing.

A rifled steel barrel and textured grip are also features of this new air pistol that is capable of up to 450fps with Gamo's PBA® Platinum Pellets.

.177 Cal Pellets / BB's. CAUTION: Use only standard skirt pellets to avoid damaging your magazine. Do NOT use pellets like the Red Fire, PBA Bullet, Magnum, Master Point, Lethal or TS-10


• Slide: Blowback
• Capacity: 16 Pellets Double Magazine
• Action: Single / Double
• Power Source: 12g CO2
• Barrel: Rifled Steel
• Safety Mechanism: Manual
• Textured Grip

• Fixed with Reflective White Dots
• Textured Plastic

• Velocity: up to 450 FPS (138 M/S)
• Weight: 1.5 lb (0.7 Kg)
• Length: 7.8”
• Ammunition: .177 Cal. (4,5mm) Pellets
• Caliber: .177 Cal.


Fiche technique



Par (Riga, Latvia) sur06 Fév. 2017 (Air Pistolet GAMO C-15 Blowback Pellets) :

Gamo C15

Realy good gun for plinking. Blowback make additional fun. Thank's Mundilar team for nice service and fast shipping!

Par (São Pedro Da Cova, Portugal) sur14 Déc. 2016 (Air Pistolet GAMO C-15 Blowback Pellets) :
Le client a évalué le produit mais n'a pas publié d'avis, ou l'avis est en attente de modération.
Par (Jarvenpaa, Finland) sur28 Nov. 2016 (Air Pistolet GAMO C-15 Blowback Pellets) :

Great quality blowback

Made by Umarex in Japan for Gamo, this blowback shooter is really solid and balanced, and puts pellets accurately on the mark. A good bargain

Par (Setubal, Portugal) sur12 Aout 2016 (Air Pistolet GAMO C-15 Blowback Pellets) :

GAMO C-15 BLOWBACK uma agradavel surpresa

Surpreendentemente equilibrada e eficaz.

Par (Cannock, Staffordshire, United Kingdom) sur01 Mai 2016 (Air Pistolet GAMO C-15 Blowback Pellets) :

Bryan Smallman

Purchased this pistol recently, very nice compact pistol, quality and finish very good, but had a few problems with it.
First time I used it the "C"clip holding the firing pin in place came off, this made the blowback go ballistic and I could not stop it until the CO2 cartridge was empty. then the gun jammed back unable to move the slide.
Had to strip the gun down and found the "C" clip inside the slide and the firing pin had come out. This was caused by the safety, the cut out in the rear of the safety was not giving enough clearance for the "C" clip, machined out the safety to give correct clearance, rebuilt the pistol, low and behold the gun now works perfectly.
After the repairs the gun is now fantastic to shoot, with very nice blowback.
I really like this pistol.
Overall I would recommend this pistol but be careful when you first shoot it

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