Bisley Adjustable Rubber Recoil Butt Pad




Top quality Bisley rubber rifle / shotgun recoil pad with adjustable alloy back.

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32,95 €


28 évaluation(s) - 17 avis
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Your stock and fine tune your shooting position with this clever accessory.

Maximum dimensions of this butt plate are 13cm x 4.7cm and it is designed to be filed down to fit your own stock butt.

Bilsey Adjustable Alloy Backed Recoil Pad

Top quality Bisley rubber rifle / shotgun recoil pad with adjustable alloy back.

Approximate Specifications: 

  • Adjusts up/down by 50mm
  • Base Max width 46mm
  • Base Length 128mm
  • Distance between screw holes 97mm
  • Depth including rubber & 2 plates 27 - 41mm
  • Weight 210g

This article from Air Gunner Magazine shows fitting this butt pad to an air rifle - well worth a read! 
Please click the image above for the full article (PDF format 1.8mb) - thanks to Air Gunner magazine.

Fiche technique




Par (Oeiras, Portugal) sur17 Jan. 2021 (Bisley Adjustable Rubber Recoil Butt Pad) :

Chapa coice

Entrega rápida . Produto adequado para HW 35 , Apenas pequeno ajuste Limar) na chapa, para ficar á medida da coronha.

Par (Loulé, Portugal) sur25 Oct. 2020 (Bisley Adjustable Rubber Recoil Butt Pad) :
Le client a évalué le produit mais n'a pas publié d'avis, ou l'avis est en attente de modération.
Par (Lisboa, Portugal) sur18 Sept. 2019 (Bisley Adjustable Rubber Recoil Butt Pad) :
Le client a évalué le produit mais n'a pas publié d'avis, ou l'avis est en attente de modération.
Par (Vales Mortos, Portugal) sur13 Mai 2019 (Bisley Adjustable Rubber Recoil Butt Pad) :

Muito Bom:

Dentro do previsto!

Par (Oñati, Spain) sur15 Nov. 2018 (Bisley Adjustable Rubber Recoil Butt Pad) :

Boa compra

Tudo muito bem, obrigada.

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