Napier Power Pellet Lube Huile pour Plombs 25ML




Napier power pellet lube has been independently tested and proven to increase accuracy.

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12,95 €

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23 évaluation(s) - 5 avis
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En savoir plus

Napier power pellet lube has been independently tested and proven to increase accuracy.

By creating a chemical seal around every pellet they are prevented from skimming or tearing the rifle barrel. As a result the gyroscopic effect is greatly improved assisting improvements in both flight and accuracy.

Simply apply to pellets in the tin, close lid and gently shake to distribute evenly. Available in 10ml dropper bottle or 25ml spray options.

  • Genuine Napier product
  • Independent tests prove up to 50% increase in accuracy
  • Cleans and protects from corrosion
  • Increases velocity
  • Simple to apply to pellets
  • Economical and long lasting
  • Available in 10ml dropper bottle or 25ml spray
  • The 25ml is only available as the spray. The 10ml is only available in the dropper bottle.
  • PLEASE NOTE: any accessories pictured are for illustration purposes only and are not included

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Par (Merelim S. Pedro - Braga, Portugal) sur09 Oct. 2022 (Napier Power Pellet Lube Huile pour Plombs 25ML) :
Le client a évalué le produit mais n'a pas publié d'avis, ou l'avis est en attente de modération.
Par (Santarém, Portugal) sur05 Avr. 2022 (Napier Power Pellet Lube Huile pour Plombs 25ML) :


Uma vez mais um serviço de atendimento e de entrega exemplar, sem qualquer reparo, em relação ao produto, é muito bom, mas também não seria de esperar outra coisa, pois a Mundilar apenas detém produtos de altíssima qualidade, muitos parabéns.

Par (Lisboa, Portugal) sur02 Fév. 2022 (Napier Power Pellet Lube Huile pour Plombs 25ML) :
Le client a évalué le produit mais n'a pas publié d'avis, ou l'avis est en attente de modération.
Par (Narva-Jõesuu, Estonia) sur01 Juil. 2021 (Napier Power Pellet Lube Huile pour Plombs 25ML) :
Le client a évalué le produit mais n'a pas publié d'avis, ou l'avis est en attente de modération.
Par (Zagreb, Croatia) sur31 Mai 2021 (Napier Power Pellet Lube Huile pour Plombs 25ML) :

High standard in pellet lubes

I use this lube for years now, reduces barrel fouling and I have to clean the barrel les often. Use sparingly, a little goes a long way.

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