Bisley Silicone Gun Oil Huile Pour Carabine 30Mll




Use Bisley Silicone Gun Oil for leather and plastic washers in airguns.

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6,95 €

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42 évaluation(s) - 12 avis
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Use Bisley Silicone Gun Oil for leather and plastic washers in airguns. 

A light overall application gives lasting protection to all metal and wood surfaces of all guns. This non-gumming oil is highly water repellent and anti-corrosive. 

Do not use alone as a lube between metal surfaces. 

  • Produces a high sheen finish on all airguns 
  • Stops the corrosive effects of fingerprints on airgun barrels 
  • Highly water and dirt repellent 
  • Beneficial to both barrel and stock 
  • Does not evaporate like mineral oils


Par (Saint Maximin La Sainte Baume, France) sur13 Mai 2017 (Bisley Silicone Gun Oil Huile Pour Carabine 30Mll) :

pour l'entretiens de nos AC

Un huile de qualite, c'est un incontourbable pour l'entretiens de nos pcp

Par (Ramada, Portugal) sur25 Fév. 2017 (Bisley Silicone Gun Oil Huile Pour Carabine 30Mll) :
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