Birchwood Casey Cibles Shoot-N-C 168Pcs 34315




Great for both long- and short-distance shooting, with targets for several shooting needs – including rifles, handguns, pistols and airguns.

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10,95 €


43 évaluation(s) - 17 avis
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Key Features

  • Bullet holes are revealed with bright chartreuse rings. 
  • Self-adhesive backing makes targets easy to put up. 
  • Instant feedback – no need to walk downrange or use binoculars to see your shot. 
  • Great for indoor or outdoor use and low-light conditions.

34315 - 3" Bull’s-Eye, 48 Targets, 120 Pasters


Fiche technique



Par (Almoster STR, Portugal) sur27 Juil. 2019 (Birchwood Casey Cibles Shoot-N-C 168Pcs 34315) :

See where you hit....

I really like these reactive targets.
Especially shooting Pistol at a longer distance ( 25 meters) without magnification it is possible get a good feeling for the result before inspecting the target.
The additional black small and large dots make it possible to repair and shoot the target again-Super!
Fast shipping and very good service!! Mundilar 5 stars for that service..

Par (Agde, France) sur17 Juin 2019 (Birchwood Casey Cibles Shoot-N-C 168Pcs 34315) :

trés bien

Fait le travail, impacts bien visibles
Autocollants, détachables individuellements

super pratique

Par (Barcelos, Portugal) sur01 Juin 2019 (Birchwood Casey Cibles Shoot-N-C 168Pcs 34315) :


Vale a pena ao princípio estava céptico pagar tanto por papel mas é excelente a 100 metros vês claramente onde está o chumbo a bater facilita muito os ajustes
E cada peça de 4 têm as bolinhas que dão para cobrir disparos anteriores dando para reutilizar os alvos

Par (Dormans, France) sur11 Avr. 2019 (Birchwood Casey Cibles Shoot-N-C 168Pcs 34315) :

perfect for settings scope

perfect for setting scopes but not so good if you want to count points or see a clear impact of the pellet

Par (Alfarelos, Portugal) sur07 Avr. 2019 (Birchwood Casey Cibles Shoot-N-C 168Pcs 34315) :
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