Birchwood Casey Airgun Shooting Resetting Target




Birchwood Casey Resetting Targets are easily portable and create an interactive shooting experience that makes plinking and target practice fun.

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34,95 €

19,95 €

-15,00 €

Prix promotionnel valable de 16/03/2025 à 31/03/2025, sauf rupture de stock.


32 évaluation(s) - 6 avis
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En savoir plus

Birchwood Casey Resetting Targets are easily portable and create an interactive shooting experience that makes plinking and target practice fun.

Made of heavy-duty steel, these targets are built to last.

All of our resetting targets come packaged in sturdy, partial clamshells.

Holes are punched in the clamshells for hanging the product on peg hooks.

The rimfire and handgun models are reinforced with zip ties to ensure the heavy product is secured inside.

  • Sturdy steel swinging targets
  • Targets swing up and out of the way when hit
  • Shoot the top target to reset the others
  • Never use BB's, non-lead pellets, or full metal jacket bullets on metal targets because they can ricochet and cause injury or death


  • Each target is 1 1/2" diameter
  • 5 targets total

Fiche technique

Références supplémentaires03.10.12.0054


Par (Vimeiro, Portugal) sur10 Fév. 2021 (Birchwood Casey Airgun Shooting Resetting Target) :
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Par (Alcains, Portugal) sur17 Jan. 2021 (Birchwood Casey Airgun Shooting Resetting Target) :

Diversão Garantida

Alvo de generosas dimensões e boa construção. Experimentei fazer tiro como uma pistola Gamo AF-10 a 8 metros, a qual acertava nos pêndulos, ouvindo-se claramente o impacto dos chumbos nos pêndulos, mas a energia desta pistola (cerca de 2 joules) era incapaz de os fazer rodar o suficiente para se imobilizarem na barra transversal para esse efeito. Mudei para uma carabina Gamo com cerca de 7,5 J, e aí sim, o impacto era eficaz para cumprir o objetivo. De qualquer forma aconselho vivamente esta engraçada geringonça aos amantes do tiro, a qual proporciona largos momentos de diversão.

Par (Sart Custinne, Belgique) sur08 Déc. 2020 (Birchwood Casey Airgun Shooting Resetting Target) :


très bien solide , résiste et amusant a coyote pcp 35 joules à 50m

Par (Kirchheim Bei Muchen, Allemagne) sur30 Sept. 2020 (Birchwood Casey Airgun Shooting Resetting Target) :
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Par (SLOVENSKA BISTRICA, Slovenia) sur23 Juil. 2020 (Birchwood Casey Airgun Shooting Resetting Target) :
Le client a évalué le produit mais n'a pas publié d'avis, ou l'avis est en attente de modération.
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