Pistola PCP Weihrauch HW44



O novo modelo de pistola PCP da marca alemã Weihrauch veio revolucionar o mercado.

Más detalles

949,00 €

Producto agotado temporalmente

19 calificación(es) - 12 reseña(s)
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O novo modelo de pistola PCP da marca alemã Weihrauch veio revolucionar o mercado.

Com esta pistola PCP conseguimos obter uma excelente precisão com potencia acima da média para uma pistola PCP.

A pistola PCP HW44 é fornecida com regulador interno, 2x magazine multi tiro 10 disparos e fill probe para enchimento rápido.

Potencia 18 Joule | 250 m/s 4.50mm .177

  • Comprimento: 337mm
  • Peso: 1.3kg 
  • Fill Pressure 200 BAR
  • Disparos por carga: 20
  • Regulador Interno
  • Empunhadura sintética com acabamento soft touch
  • Inclui 2x magazines multi tiro de 10 disparos
  • Mira telescópica não incluída



Por (IZEGEM, Bélgica) en14 Marzo 2018 (Pistola PCP Weihrauch HW44) :

Good servis from Mundilar!

I bought the .177, because they don't have the .22.
Pistol is very good. Keeps the pressure in the thank for weeks!
I still learn to shoot, and know now I am not so good shooter, but hey, much fun with this beautiful pistol, and thanks to you guys, for your fast service! Love you!

Joost from Belgium.

Por (Marchin, Bélgica) en18 Feb. 2018 (Pistola PCP Weihrauch HW44) :

Philippe R ( Liege , Belgique ) dimanche 18 février 2018 ( PISTOLET PCP WEIHRAUCH HW44 )

Je commence en remerciant la sympathie, l'efficacité et le professionnalisme du monsieur Rogério, c'est un goût pour être client de Mundilar, merci beaucoup , La qualité allemande dans toute sa splendeur. Belle, de fabrication soignée, elle a une excellente réputation , Je n'ai pas trop tiré avec pour l'instant, mais les premiers essais sont plus qu'encourageants.


Por (Esbjerg V., Dinamarca) en14 Ene. 2018 (Pistola PCP Weihrauch HW44) :

HW 44 pistol

Verry god and accurate pistol :-)

Por (Caparica, Portugal) en04 Dic. 2017 (Pistola PCP Weihrauch HW44) :

Very impressive pistol from Weihrauch

When I bought this pistol I did not have in mind using it as a precision pistol at the shooting range. It turns out I was right: at 18 J, it is far to powerful, and it is, among my PCP guns, the only one where the barrel climb due to recoil is clearly perceptible. Nevertheless, I feel this could be a very convenient choice for 10 meter shooting if it came in the less powerful version.

Although being heavy, the gun is very easy and intuitive to hold, either single-handedly (and either hand at that) or with two hands.
The sights are simple but very clear and easy to acquire.
The only gripe for me concerns the rotary magazine. Its insertion and extraction from the pistol are not very smooth, and that is a bit deceiving when compared with equivalent systems from other manufacturers. It does not allow the pellets to fall back, though, as some other systems do.

I bought this pistol essentially for plinking, and also to deal with the rodents which have started to invade my property some time ago. For that purpose, with some add-ons, like a redpoint sight and a front grip, I believe it will perform its task well and provide me with enough fun.

As for Mundilar, its service was perfect: fast, full and easy, as tends to always be the case.

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