Norica Kit Grs 24J Gas-Ram




32,95 €


73 rating(s) - 41 review(s)
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NORICA GRS KIT (Gas-Ram) compatible with all High Power Models 24 Joules.


  • Overall length: 27cm
  • Length of the thinnest part: 12cm
  • Length of the longest part: 15cm
  • Diameter of the thinner part: 8mm
  • Diameter of the longer part: 18mm
  • Diameter of the base of the longer part: 25,50mm

Installation Video:


Por (BOURGOIN JALLIEU, France) em21 June 2023 (Norica Kit Grs 24J Gas-Ram) :
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Por (San Xoan de Poio (Pontevedra), Spain) em03 Nov. 2022 (Norica Kit Grs 24J Gas-Ram) :
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Por (Beek En Donk, Netherlands) em15 Aug. 2022 (Norica Kit Grs 24J Gas-Ram) :

Great product, fast shipping

I ordered this kit from the Netherlands and it arrived in roughly 1 week. My black eagle was lacking power after 1000+ shots. Once replaced it really cracks. At 20m impact is nearly instant. The cocking is super smooth compared to the spring and the recoil is more consistent. I now have enough power in the rifle to flip a heavy RAM spinner, which was not possible with the original spring. Really happy with the result. Installation was not too difficult, but it absolutely requires a spring compressor.

Por (V.n.Gaia, Portugal) em21 June 2022 (Norica Kit Grs 24J Gas-Ram) :
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Por (Attiches, France) em27 May 2022 (Norica Kit Grs 24J Gas-Ram) :

se mettre à la musculation

Produit conforme à mes attentes.
Après installation, casser le canon pour charger la carabine devient un sport à part entière.

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