Air Arms Msk Kit 16J 12ft/lbs P/ Tx200



Mainsprings can wear out or break. If your TX200 or TX200 Hunter Carbine has lost velocity, you may have a broken spring. Use this kit to put your air rifle back in shootin' shape.

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54,95 €


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Mainsprings can wear out or break. If your TX200 or TX200 Hunter Carbine has lost velocity, you may have a broken spring. Use this kit to put your air rifle back in shootin' shape.

KIT 16J (12ft/lbs).

  • Spring & seal replacement kit 
  • Fits TX200/TX200HC air rifles 
  • Includes steel mainspring, spring guide, forward spring guide (tophat), grease, Napier gun oil and selection of essential seals (piston seal, front and rear piston bearing seals and both breech seals)


Por (Athens Marousi, Greece) em15 July 2017 (Air Arms Msk Kit 16J 12ft/lbs P/ Tx200) :

AIR ARMS MSK KIT 16J 12ft / lbs P / TX200

Thank you very much for your cooperation. I suggest it unreservedly

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