FX Four Stage Turbo Pump PCP Charging




The new turbopump is equipped with a patented 4 stage system. 

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229,00 €


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It has a unique gearing system that gives you the opportunity to gear down when it gets rough. It allows the user to choose if they want high volume (300 cc) with lower pressure. Or low volume (200 cc) with higher pressure.

Features: Pressure gauge, moisture trap, particle filter (replaceable), and bleed valve. Unique gearing system.
Connections: DIN or Kevlar hose 0,5 m with 1/8” thread.


Por (Lajes Do Pico, Portugal) em30 Dec. 2021 (FX Four Stage Turbo Pump PCP Charging) :
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Por (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain) em08 Dec. 2021 (FX Four Stage Turbo Pump PCP Charging) :
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Por (BESANCON, France) em22 May 2021 (FX Four Stage Turbo Pump PCP Charging) :

Très bonne pompe

4 étages, ça va plus vite, mais quand on passe de 175 à 200 bars, il vaut mieux rétrograder en 3°. Sinon cela devient physique.

Por (Sofia, Bulgaria) em06 Feb. 2021 (FX Four Stage Turbo Pump PCP Charging) :

Best pump


Por (Madrid, Spain) em23 July 2020 (FX Four Stage Turbo Pump PCP Charging) :
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