Air Chrony Mk3 Ballistic Chronograph




Ballistic chronograph Air Chrony MK3 is a modern tool intended for measuring the speed and kinetic energy of a bullet with a high accuracy and reliability.

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249,00 €

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Ballistic chronograph Air Chrony MK3 is a modern tool intended for measuring the speed and kinetic energy of a bullet with a high accuracy and reliability.

Air Chrony MK3 provides an excellent measurements accuracy, high resistance to interferences, possibility to measure under bad lighting conditions, selectable menu languages and other modern features, so there is no doubt the Air Chrony MK3 is the right chronograph for a wide shooting society.

Chronograph Air Chrony MK3 has been tested especially with air rifles but it is reliable also in measurements of other small-caliber weapons (airsoft, paintball, rook rifles, bow, crossbow, etc.)

Model MK3 is the latest and most modern ballistic chronograph from the Air Chrony’s own production line and with its excellent accuracy and durability became the Air Chrony’s flagship.

Air Chrony MK3 is a ballistic chronograph intended for measuring the speed and kinetic energy of a bullet. It has been tested especially with air rifles but it can be utilized also for measuring of other small-caliber weapons (airsoft, paintball, rook rifles, bow, crossbow, etc.)

Air Chrony MK3 provides an excellent measurements accuracy, mechanical durability, high resistance to interferences, possibility to measure under bad lighting conditions, selectable menu languages, on-line connection to computer via USB and other modern features, so there is no doubt that MK3 represents a high quality Air Chrony product.

The chronograph measures bullet speed up to 1000 m/s, energy in Joules, average speed, maximal speed, minimal speed, number of shots (counter), speed deviation (consistency), cadence and some other values. You can easily choose between metric or imperial measurement units and the language can be set directly in menu as well.

Ballistic chronograph MK3 is very durable and with a tripod-mounting possibility via standard ¼ UTF thread can be used almost under any circumstances.

Excellent accuracy even under bad lighting conditions, USB connection, on-line results presentation and also intuitive handling predetermine Air Chrony MK3 chronograph to be utilized by a wide shooting society. Together with the appropriate Air Chrony software you get outstanding aide for you accurate shooting.

New ballistic chronograph model MK3 comes from the Air Chrony’s own production.

Key advantages of Air Chrony model MK3

  • High mechanical durability
  • Excellent measurement accuracy
  • Measurements are possible even under bad lighting conditions
  • High resistance to interferences
  • USB connection to computer
  • Possibility to display on-line results on the computer’s screen (useful especially on competitions)
  • Selectable language (English, German, Spanish, French, Russian, Swedish, Italian, Polish, Czech) – can be set in menu
  • Selectable measurement units (m/s, joule, gram or fps, fpe, grain) – can be set in menu
  • Standard ¼ UTF thread for tripod
  • Software Air Chrony for free
  • Intuitive control and modern design

Recommended accessories:

  • Power supply
  • USB cable Durable case
  • Barrel slid
  • USB flash disc with software

Package contents:

  • Ballistic chronograph Air Chrony MK3
  • Free download of the Air Chrony software

Video tutorial for Air Chrony MK3

Watch our video tutorial for Air Chrony ballistic chronograph on YouTube:




Por (Villemoisson-Sur-Orge, France) em25 March 2020 (Air Chrony Mk3 Ballistic Chronograph) :
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Por (Agde, France) em05 Oct. 2019 (Air Chrony Mk3 Ballistic Chronograph) :
O cliente votou no produto mas não adicionou nenhuma review, ou ainda está pendente
Por (Bainville Sur Madon, France) em11 July 2019 (Air Chrony Mk3 Ballistic Chronograph) :
O cliente votou no produto mas não adicionou nenhuma review, ou ainda está pendente
Por (Forbach, France) em02 March 2019 (Air Chrony Mk3 Ballistic Chronograph) :

Très bon matériel

Commande passée dimanche et reçu mardi soit 48 heures plus tard, super. Le suivi avec Mundilar et le transporteur étaient au top.
L'emballage est très bien et l'appareil fonctionne à merveille et il a l'air très solide car il est tout en métal et pas en plastique bas de gamme.
L'utilisation devient simple une fois que l'on a compris son fonctionnement. De plus il est possible de le brancher sur un PC avec le logiciel gratuit du constructeur que l'on trouve très facilement sur internet.
En conclusion, je suis très satisfait de cet appareil et du vendeur. Je pense revenir faire des achats chez vous. Merci pour votre professionnalisme

Por (LES HERBIERS, France) em01 Dec. 2018 (Air Chrony Mk3 Ballistic Chronograph) :

Fiable et précis

Je suis très satisfait du produit pour sa facilité de mise en œuvre et de sa précision. En revanche il est important de signaler que le concepteur vraiment été crétin de mettre le pupitre et l'affichage en partie haute. En effet, si vous souhaitez faire du tir et mettre le chrono en sortie de bouche l'afficheur vient gêner la vision dans la lunette et vous ne voyez pas la cible !!! la seule solution est de mettre le chrono à l'envers ! il aurait été plus judicieux de mettre l'afficheur à la base. On se demande vraiment parfois quel raisonnement adoptent les concepteurs. Dommage sinon le chrono fonctionne très bien.

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