ASG Laser for Pistol CZ 75 Duty




Compact rail mounted laser. Designed to fit CZ75 series and STI Duty one.

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23,95 €


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Compact rail mounted laser. Designed to fit CZ75 series and STI Duty one. Rugged lightweight construction, slides on easily, and stays tightly locked on with the aid of a retention spring. The laser is fully adjustable for windage and elevation and features an ambidextrous on/off switch that can be activated by either the shooting or non-shooting hand.
Rail at bottom of laser allows mounting of additional equipment like a tactical light.
Class II laser, <1mw 635-650 nm.
Uses 3xLR44 batteries not included.
Benefits of using laser:
Train faster.
Lasers help new shooters learn sight picture, and trigger control much more quickly.
Take advantage of cover.
Lasers allow accurate shooting from behind cover and concealment.
Covert communication.
Laser can be used to silently signal teammates, and to point out hidden enemies.

Data sheet



Por (BEJA, Portugal) em13 Jan. 2021 (ASG Laser for Pistol CZ 75 Duty ) :

Boa escolha.

Lazer que depois de regulado leva a resultados dos tirinhos surpreendentes. Bom equipamento na relação custo eficácia.

Por (Póvoa De Santa Iria, Portugal) em11 Nov. 2020 (ASG Laser for Pistol CZ 75 Duty ) :
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Por (Portimao, Portugal) em09 Sept. 2020 (ASG Laser for Pistol CZ 75 Duty ) :
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Por (Funchal, Portugal) em23 May 2020 (ASG Laser for Pistol CZ 75 Duty ) :
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Por (Creixomil, Guimaraes, Portugal) em12 May 2020 (ASG Laser for Pistol CZ 75 Duty ) :
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