Revolver GAMO PR-776 Pellet Airgun



The Gamo PR-776 is so realistic- your friends will have a hard time telling the difference between this and a firearm, with its steel frame and all-weather black silicon finished grip.

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122,00 €

112,00 €

-10,00 €

Promotional price, valid from 16/03/2025 until tomorrow, until the end of stock.

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37 rating(s) - 19 review(s)
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This is a great gun for shooting tin cans- plinking- hitting spinners and more.

It's an all-day shooter- so stock up on ammo and CO2!

  • Gamo PR-776 revolver
  • Uses a 12-gram CO2 cartridge
  • 8rd pellet rotary clip
  • Single- and double-action
  • Fixed front sight
  • Fixed rear sight
  • Stippled grip with finger grooves
  • Includes 2 rotary clips

  • ManufacturerGamo
  • Caliber0.177 cal
  • Velocity400 fps
  • Airgun MechanismCO2
  • ActionRevolver
  • Magazine Capacity8
  • Hop UpNo
  • Airgun UsePlinking/Fun
  • Airgun Rail7.84mm (top) and 7.93mm (bottom)
  • Front SightsBlade
  • Rear SightsFixed (typo on packaging and manual states it's adjustable)
  • Barrel Length6
  • Barrel StyleRifled
  • Trigger ActionDouble-action and single-action
  • Fire ModeRepeater
  • Gun Weight2.29
  • BlowbackNo
  • Loudness4-Medium-High
  • Product ConditionNew

Data sheet



Por (Wiener Neustadt, Austria) em28 Dec. 2017 (Revolver GAMO PR-776 Pellet Airgun) :

Sehr schöner Revolver !

Der Revolver ist super anzusehen und schießt auch ziemlich genau. Gut ist auch, das man Diabolos verschießen kann. Ein Punkt Abzug wegen des sehr schwer zu betätigenden Sicherungshebels.

Por (Bragança, Portugal) em09 Dec. 2017 (Revolver GAMO PR-776 Pellet Airgun) :


Extremamente realista e bastante certeira e resistente!

Por (Vilnius, Lithuania) em06 Dec. 2016 (Revolver GAMO PR-776 Pellet Airgun) :
O cliente votou no produto mas não adicionou nenhuma review, ou ainda está pendente
Por (Braga, Portugal) em18 Sept. 2016 (Revolver GAMO PR-776 Pellet Airgun) :


Impecável! Apenas não dou 5 estrelas por um motivo: a coronha é de plástico e em caso de queda pode partir com facilidade, apesar de reforço metálico interno. Arma lindíssima e robusta, excelente sensação e disparo! Recomendo vivamente!!!

Por (Évora, Portugal) em19 July 2016 (Revolver GAMO PR-776 Pellet Airgun) :


Adorei esta compra, revólver certeiro, muito realista, simplesmente deslumbrante, muito agradecido à mundilar.

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