Air Gun Pellets RWS Hyperdome 5.50mm (.22) 150pcs




The RWS HYPERDOME 0.71 g has even higher penetration power than the lighter version in calibre 4.5 mm.

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19,95 €


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It likewise has the typical bulldog head shape and is faster than comparable products of the respective calibre.

It has a technically highly developed tin alloy and a brilliant high-speed finish.

This new development from RWS is completely lead-free, and as a result environmentally friendly and protects the barrel.

The RWS HYPERDOME is highly accurate and achieves very dense shot groups. For this reason, it is perfectly suitable for field target and silhouette shooting. Also usable for hunting.

Caliber:0.22" (5.50mm)
Ammo Type:Pellets
Suggested for:Competition - Hunting
Weight:0,71g - 11.0gr
Pellet Shape:wadcutter.png

Data sheet

Caliber5.50mm (.22)
Weight10 to 14 grains
ShapeDomed/Round Nose


Por (Braga, Portugal) em15 Nov. 2016 (Air Gun Pellets RWS Hyperdome 5.50mm (.22) 150pcs) :


Trata-se de um chumbo muito leve ...mas curiosamente muito duro! Permite velocidades grandes mesmo para armas de pequena a média potência.
Tenho usado com uma Crosman 2250XL a CO2 e com muito bons resultados.
A qualidade e acabamento dos chumbos é da RWS...ou seja simplesmente fabulosa!

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