Air Gun Pellets H&N Sport Baracuda Power 5.50mm (.22) 200PCS




6,95 €


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Heavy, exceptionally accurate pellet for long ranges.

No lead-fouling, improved drive in barrel, no contact with lead thanks to special copper coating (20% harder than comparable lead pellets).

First-class aerodynamic design for high impact and penetration. Low deformation of pellet.

Tight shot groups.


Data sheet

Caliber5.50mm (.22)
Weight18 to 25 grains
ShapeDomed/Round Nose


Por (Ilhavo, Portugal) em23 Nov. 2020 (Air Gun Pellets H&N Sport Baracuda Power 5.50mm (.22) 200PCS) :
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Por (Loulé, Portugal) em25 Oct. 2020 (Air Gun Pellets H&N Sport Baracuda Power 5.50mm (.22) 200PCS) :
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Por (Champagne Au Mont D'or, France) em08 May 2020 (Air Gun Pellets H&N Sport Baracuda Power 5.50mm (.22) 200PCS) :
O cliente votou no produto mas não adicionou nenhuma review, ou ainda está pendente
Por (Mealhada, Portugal) em02 Jan. 2020 (Air Gun Pellets H&N Sport Baracuda Power 5.50mm (.22) 200PCS) :
O cliente votou no produto mas não adicionou nenhuma review, ou ainda está pendente
Por (HEM, France) em05 March 2019 (Air Gun Pellets H&N Sport Baracuda Power 5.50mm (.22) 200PCS) :


comme tous les plomb H&N très bon et plus dur comme matière bon équilibrage

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