Air Gun Pellets GAMO Red Fire 100pcs 5.5mm (.22)




Gamo Red Fire Series Pellets


This pellet has an aerodynamic design with a symmetrical, polymer tip, reinforced lead core, and hollow skirt for greater weight balance.

A major advancement in the Gamo lineup, these pellets improve on aerodynamics, material, precision and performance. With excellent characteristics for achieving good shooting groups.


Caliber 5.50 mm (.122), Weight 1 g - 15.42 gr, Quantity 100 pcs

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6,50 €


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25 15% 5,53 € /each Up to 24,38 €
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Introducing the Revolutionary Gamo Red Fire Series Pellets!


Featuring an aerodynamic design with a balanced, symmetrical polymer tip, a reinforced lead core, and a hollow skirt for improved weight distribution.


These pellets represent a significant leap forward in the Gamo catalog, enhancing not just quality but the entire manufacturing process to deliver the best pellets available.


Innovative Formula: Cutting-edge technology combined with superior production materials has made these pellets a reality.


Enhanced Accuracy: Offering unmatched precision, for achieving exceptional groupings.


Superior Aerodynamics: Redesigned pellets with a relocated center of mass for improved aerodynamics.


Optimal Fit: A new, more ductile and malleable lead alloy ensures better adaptation to the barrel, both in the chamber and rifling.





Caliber: 5.50 mm (.122)

Ammo Type: Pellets

Suggest for: Hunting 

Weight: 1 g - 15.42 gr

Quantity: 100 pcs




Data sheet

Caliber5.50mm (.22)
Weight14 to 18 grains
Quantity100 Pcs
Country of ManufactureSpain


Por (Tartumaa, Estonia) em23 Nov. 2023 (Air Gun Pellets GAMO Red Fire 100pcs 5.5mm (.22)) :
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Por (Posavski Podgajci, Croatia) em30 Oct. 2023 (Air Gun Pellets GAMO Red Fire 100pcs 5.5mm (.22)) :
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Por (Lamego, Portugal) em22 July 2023 (Air Gun Pellets GAMO Red Fire 100pcs 5.5mm (.22)) :
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Por (Kos, Greece) em21 July 2023 (Air Gun Pellets GAMO Red Fire 100pcs 5.5mm (.22)) :
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Por (Les Clayes Sous Bois, France) em18 July 2022 (Air Gun Pellets GAMO Red Fire 100pcs 5.5mm (.22)) :

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