Air gun pellets RWS Training 4.50mm (.177) 500PCS




The RWS SPORT LINE assortment has been expanded to include the RWS TRAINING, a heavy version of the well-known smooth Club pellet.

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6,95 €


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It is an economical choice for practice that has the same ballistics as the RWS MATCH pellet in this weight.

It is an ideal pellet when you want to shoot competitions with the RWS R10 or Meisterkugel but want to go easy on the budget for training and practice.

Suitable for match air rifles and pistols

Caliber:0.177" (4.50mm)
Ammo Type:Pellets
Suggested for:Training
Weight:0,53g - 8.2gr
Pellet Shape:wadcutter.png

Data sheet

Caliber4.50mm (.177)
Weight8 to 10 grains


Por (Pontedeume, Spain) em27 March 2020 (Air gun pellets RWS Training 4.50mm (.177) 500PCS) :
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Por (Vila Fernando - Elvas, Portugal) em06 Jan. 2020 (Air gun pellets RWS Training 4.50mm (.177) 500PCS) :
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Por (Entroncamento, Portugal) em25 Nov. 2019 (Air gun pellets RWS Training 4.50mm (.177) 500PCS) :
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Por (Forninho De Esmoriz, Portugal) em11 March 2019 (Air gun pellets RWS Training 4.50mm (.177) 500PCS) :
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Por (Santo Antonio Dos Cavaleiros, Portugal) em14 Dec. 2018 (Air gun pellets RWS Training 4.50mm (.177) 500PCS) :


Excelentes para treinar e para as primeiras provas de carabina: para quem tem falta de experiência não nota a diferença entre estes chumbos e os de competição.

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