Air gun pellets JSB Exact RS Original 500pcs 4.52mm (.177)




The lightest weight domed pellets from our range.

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13,95 €


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The RS stands for Rapid Speed because the velocity is much higher than with the regular pellets.

Also the ballistic curve will be very flat. There is also a connection with a car industry where RS is nickname to their sport models (Rally Sport) which are lighter and more powerful than the regular ones.

Caliber:0.177" (4.52mm)
Ammo Type:Pellets
Suggested for:Competition - Hunting
Weight:0,475g - 7.33gr
Pellet Shape:wadcutter.png

Data sheet

Caliber4.52mm (.177)
Weightless than 8 grains
ShapeDomed/Round Nose


Por (Derby, United Kingdom) em03 Jan. 2021 (Air gun pellets JSB Exact RS Original 500pcs 4.52mm (.177)) :

Lightweigth and powerful

Improvement of my shooting result!

Por (Porto, Portugal) em17 Sept. 2020 (Air gun pellets JSB Exact RS Original 500pcs 4.52mm (.177)) :
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Por (Sant Pere De Ribes, Spain) em03 Dec. 2019 (Air gun pellets JSB Exact RS Original 500pcs 4.52mm (.177)) :
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Por (Lleida, Spain) em21 Sept. 2019 (Air gun pellets JSB Exact RS Original 500pcs 4.52mm (.177)) :
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Por (Miranda Do Douro, Portugal) em26 Aug. 2019 (Air gun pellets JSB Exact RS Original 500pcs 4.52mm (.177)) :
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