Air gun pellets JSB Exact Original 500pcs 4.53mm (.177)




13,95 €


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The company’s best seller. It is absolutely the most popular ammunition at present. The weight has been designed so that it agrees with most of the FT used weapons and does not exceed the restrictions regarding the impact energy when using the allowed muzzle speed. It is a very functional profile common for the whole Exact series. It owes its stable flying properties especially to the higher weight and the ideal gravity centre placement. The perfect alignment once again guarantees a perfect central dispersion!

Data sheet

Caliber4.53mm (.177)
Weight8 to 10 grains
ShapeDomed/Round Nose


Por (Catanzaro, Italy) em10 Nov. 2017 (Air gun pellets JSB Exact Original 500pcs 4.53mm (.177)) :


The perfect pellets for my Riflle.

Por (Cenon, France) em15 Sept. 2017 (Air gun pellets JSB Exact Original 500pcs 4.53mm (.177)) :

Plomb 0,54 gr JSB

Très bon produit pour du tir très précis jusqu'à 50 m avec une Hw 97

Por (La Trinité, France) em10 May 2017 (Air gun pellets JSB Exact Original 500pcs 4.53mm (.177)) :

Très bonne munition comme toujours avec JSB
Très bon service comme toujours avec Mundilar

Por (Pinto, Spain) em02 Aug. 2016 (Air gun pellets JSB Exact Original 500pcs 4.53mm (.177)) :
O cliente votou no produto mas não adicionou nenhuma review, ou ainda está pendente
Por (VISEU, Portugal) em07 Feb. 2016 (Air gun pellets JSB Exact Original 500pcs 4.53mm (.177)) :

JSB EXACT 4.53mm (.177)

Aconselho vivamente para a Diana 34 , muito bons agrupamentos até 30m .

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