Air gun pellets H&N Sport Field Target Trophy 4.50mm (.177) 500PCS




9,95 €


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Medium-weight, extremely accurate competition pellet with flat trajectory for medium ranges.

Exceptional aerodynamic design for high impact and penetration. Tightest shot groups.

Lowest rate of lead fouling and consistent shot spreads thanks to special alloy and lubrication.

Head sizes available: 4.50-4.52 and 5.53-5.55. Smooth.

Data sheet

Caliber4.50mm (.177)
Weight8 to 10 grains
ShapeDomed/Round Nose


Por (Baldone, Latvia) em28 Apr. 2017 (Air gun pellets H&N Sport Field Target Trophy 4.50mm (.177) 500PCS) :
O cliente votou no produto mas não adicionou nenhuma review, ou ainda está pendente
Por (Paredes, Portugal) em07 Dec. 2016 (Air gun pellets H&N Sport Field Target Trophy 4.50mm (.177) 500PCS) :
O cliente votou no produto mas não adicionou nenhuma review, ou ainda está pendente
Por (Santo Tirso, Portugal) em06 Aug. 2016 (Air gun pellets H&N Sport Field Target Trophy 4.50mm (.177) 500PCS) :

Boa precisão

São chumbos de boa precisão e uma boa capacidade de impacto.
No entanto, prefiro os sniper medium.

Por (Pironchamps, Belgium) em03 July 2016 (Air gun pellets H&N Sport Field Target Trophy 4.50mm (.177) 500PCS) :

Les meilleurs plombs sur le marcher.

Impeccable, j'utilise ces plombs en calibre 4,5 et 5,5 et les impactes sont toujours nets. Idéal pour le tir sur canettes ou sur cibles dures. Attentions, ces plombs sont a utiliser avec une arme de forte puissance.

Por (VISEU, Portugal) em04 Feb. 2015 (Air gun pellets H&N Sport Field Target Trophy 4.50mm (.177) 500PCS) :


Fiz testes a 20 e 25m e o resultado é impressionante, considero um dos melhores chumbos da Mundilar !

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