Air gun pellets H&N Sport Field Target Trophy 4.50mm (.177) 500PCS




9,95 €


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Medium-weight, extremely accurate competition pellet with flat trajectory for medium ranges.

Exceptional aerodynamic design for high impact and penetration. Tightest shot groups.

Lowest rate of lead fouling and consistent shot spreads thanks to special alloy and lubrication.

Head sizes available: 4.50-4.52 and 5.53-5.55. Smooth.

Data sheet

Caliber4.50mm (.177)
Weight8 to 10 grains
ShapeDomed/Round Nose


Por (Loures, Portugal) em30 Nov. 2021 (Air gun pellets H&N Sport Field Target Trophy 4.50mm (.177) 500PCS) :
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Por (Montguyon, France) em24 Oct. 2021 (Air gun pellets H&N Sport Field Target Trophy 4.50mm (.177) 500PCS) :

munition 4.5mm

Exelente munition pour ma hw80 poid et forme idéale pour un tir de précision a + de 70m

Por (Enschede, Netherlands) em06 May 2021 (Air gun pellets H&N Sport Field Target Trophy 4.50mm (.177) 500PCS) :
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Por (Gondomar (S. Cosme), Portugal) em05 Feb. 2021 (Air gun pellets H&N Sport Field Target Trophy 4.50mm (.177) 500PCS) :
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Por (Covilhã, Portugal) em20 Dec. 2020 (Air gun pellets H&N Sport Field Target Trophy 4.50mm (.177) 500PCS) :
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