
Rocker Target Trap




This type of target is distinguished from all others, because the impact of the projectile blocks the pendulums with round shape when they're shot, just hit square in the pendulum to the other's come back down.

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40,95 €


More info

This type of target is distinguished from all others, because the impact of the projectile blocks the pendulums with round shape when they're shot, just hit square in the pendulum to make the other's come back down.

Requires no maintenance.

Ideal for shooting sports.

To use high-powered rifle to shoot 30 meters or more.

For medium power rifles must be considered 20 or more meters.

Data sheet



Por (Offaly , Ireland) em22 Nov. 2021 (Rocker Target Trap) :

Gamo target

Good responsive target, well built and will last a long time, just make sure the target is at least 25m distance unless shooting on low power.

Por (Borlänge, Sweden) em25 Sept. 2021 (Rocker Target Trap) :


Robust target at a good price. Recommended.

Por (Sintra, Portugal) em26 Apr. 2021 (Rocker Target Trap) :

O que se espera, mas a espessura da chapa podia ser melhor

Boa metalização e pintura mas espessura podia ser melhor.
As molas de retrocesso estão relativamente acessíveis aos chumbos, não sei quanto tempo irão durar no sítio.

Por (Vimeiro-LNH, Portugal) em13 Apr. 2021 (Rocker Target Trap) :
O cliente votou no produto mas não adicionou nenhuma review, ou ainda está pendente
Por (Jalhay, Belgium) em04 March 2021 (Rocker Target Trap) :

Excellente cible pour le tir à 30 m avec ma carabine FX Dreamline Classic

Excellente cible pour le tir à 30 m avec ma carabine FX Dreamline Classic.
Comme toujours, envoi sérieux, rapide et très professionnel de la part de Mundilar Airgun

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